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Suing Another Driver for Property Damage

When you’re involved in an accident that causes you bodily injuries or an extensive amount of property damage, the costs may go above and beyond the insurance company’s maximum payout. When you are not able to obtain the compensation you need through insurance coverage, Florida laws allow you to sue the responsible party to collect the amount you need to recover.

Insufficient Settlement Offer

When a vehicle or other property is damaged, an insurance company will want to have the car examined to determine the extent of the damage. Having the car inspected is a normal part of the process. Most auto insurance companies cut as many corners as possible. Make sure to keep all of your bills and documents from any repair shops you go to. If your insurance company offers a settlement that doesn’t cover all of the costs, you should speak to a lawyer immediately.

Loss of Value

The value of repairs may not be the only compensation that a responsible party owes the injured party. For example, a car that has had extensive renovations will certainly be worth less than before the accident. Insurance companies rarely want to compensate for a loss of value, or greatly underestimate the damage. In some cases, a person may need to sue to recover loss of value due to repairs to vehicles or other personal property.

Loss of Use of Property

An injured party may be without the use of his or her property for some time after it is damaged. Whether the property is a vehicle, home, or something else, he or she should be compensated for the loss of use of that property while it is being repaired. For example, if it takes two weeks to have a car fixed, the responsible party should pay for a comparable rental car for the injured party for two weeks. As many insurance companies will only willingly pay for a limited period, the injured party may need to take legal action to receive proper compensation.

Call an Experienced Florida Attorney

If you have to go to court to obtain compensation to cover all of your bills, you must get a lawyer. Call Salpeter Gitkin, LLP to speak to an experienced and compassionate lawyer who will answer all of your questions. Call us at 954-467-8622 for a free case evaluation. There are essential steps you need to take to make sure that your case is successful. Allow a legal professional to handle your claim and make sure that you recover the compensation you’re entitled to by law.

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Willaim Henderson

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